

October  31st  2012

 9.30 a.m.
Students and teachers  from IES Maestro Juan Rubio invited us to a Halloween festival, so we took our broom and joined them.
When we arrived we enjoyed their Jack O´Lantern Exhibition.
Then we did some games that had prepared us the first year students from IES Juan Rubio. They read us some riddles and we had to guess them. They were very easy and we did very good. Later we did a very fun game, some students were holding pictures and other pupils were holding words about Halloween and we had to get each word with its drawing, Juan and Candela won the game.
Finally we participate in a scary make up workshop. It was fun, students dressed as monsters, witches, vampires…, They also decorated the class with spiders webs, tombstones, ghosts, pumpkins, candles and bats.



Hemos incorporado a nuestros fondos de BE unos LIBROS  MUY  INTERESANTES Y AMENOS  para  leer y escuchar . Nos los ha recomendado nuestro entregado maestro de Música ,  D. Conrado .

Son  unos libros  imprescindibles para que los niños empiecen a entender la Música . Se trata de :

" EL  CONCIERTAZO "  del director de orquesta  Fernando  Argenta  . Ed.  ESPASA .

Creo que nos va a encantar  a chicos y grandes     .   !! Lo  recomiendo !!

Cuenta la historia de grandes músicos  cuando eran  pequeños .

Además contamos con tres cuentos de  Georgina  García - Mouriño  basados en óperas famosas .

·          Hansel  y  Grétel   ____________   E.  Humperdinck
·         La  Flauta  Mágica_____________  W.  A.  Mózart
·         Orfeo  y  Eurídice _____________   Ch . W.  Gluck

  Están editados por  CIUDADELA  LIBROS   y  pertenecen a la colección  CUÉNTAME  UNA  ÓPERA .

MUCHAS  GRACIAS  D.  Conrado  .  Sabemos lo mucho que vamos a disfrutar escuchando  estas  obras a su lado.




October  31st  2012 
          9.30 a.m.
Students and teachers  from IES Maestro Juan Rubio invited us to a Halloween festival,  so we took our broom and joined them.
When we arrived we enjoyed their Jack O´Lantern Exhibition.
Then we did some games that had prepared us the first year students from IES Juan Rubio. They read us some riddles and we had to guess them. They were very easy and we did very good. Later we did a very fun game, some students were holding pictures and other pupils were holding words about Halloween and we had to get each word with its drawing, Juan and Candela won the game.
Finally we participate in a scary make up workshop. It was fun, students dressed as monsters, witches, vampires…, They also decorated the class with spiders webs, tombstones, ghosts, pumpkins, candles and bats.